There are four ways in which you can donate to the society, detailed below - by cheque, internet banking, by paper form, or, via Paypal.
Donations of £24 or more entitle you to membership of the Society at no extra cost. See our Membership page.
1. To donate and join by post, download the membership, Gift Aid and standing order forms HERE. If you don't have a printer handy, give us a call or email.
2. Send your completed form and a cheque made payable to Ivatt Diesel Recreation Society, to: IDRS, 46 Biddick Village Centre, Washington, NE38 7NP
1. Use your own bank's app to set up donations.
Sort code: 30-94-77
Account: 50405860
Name: Ivatt Diesel Recreation Society
2. Please add a payment reference in the following format: [house number] + [postcode]
For example, if your address is 10 Downing Street, SW1A 2AA, just put in 10 SW1A2AA as the reference.
3. Please email us to let us know you have done this.
Sort code: 30-94-77
Account: 50405860
Name: Ivatt Diesel Recreation Society
1. Use online banking or download our Standing Order form to take to your bank. It can be downloaded from HERE. It comes attached to the membership and Gift Aid forms.
2. Please add a payment reference in the following format: [house number] + [postcode]
For example, if your address is 10 Downing Street, SW1A 2AA, just put in 10 SW1A2AA as the reference. That then gives us a clearer link to you donation and we can be sure of getting any Gift Aid benefit from HMRC.
3. Fill in the Gift Aid form (if you can offer Gift Aid) and send it to us.
Please note - if you do not tick "share name and email address" we do not receive those details and so can not record your donation against your name for the purposes of 'Benefits for donors'.
1. Click on this link 2. Click "Donate"
3. TICK THE BOX on the left hand side marked "Share my name and email address with this charity"
4. Click "Next"
5. You may need to log in at this point.
6. Donate now.
7. Add to your email contacts list so our acknowledgement email is not filed in your Junk Mail. We can then invite you to become a member, if your donation is £24 or over.
8. Paypal should volunteer to arrange Gift Aid payments on your behalf, if appropriate. If they do not please fill in this form and send it to us at or IDRS, 46 Biddick Village Centre, Washington, NE38 7NP